Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Year

Well its been awhile since my last blog but we took the summer off of ballet and have now started a new year.

At the end of last year my Little Bun Head was told she would move up to the next level with the other girls despite her age. She was so beyond excited to get to wear a black leotard like all the other big girls. This year I was able to attend the parent orientation before classes started so I feel like I have more information than I did last year. At that orientation I had a glimpse of how the other parents in our level feel about Miss Carlin. A Grandmother of a girl in Carlin's class kept telling Carlin that she was not in the preparatory class because she was to young. She did not believe Carlin. One of the other moms overheard the conversation and proceeded to tell the grandmother that Carlin is indeed with the prep class! It was so nice to see that the other moms embrace Carlin and are just as supportive of her as I am.

The director of the school always jokes with me that Carlin could walk into the advanced class and dance with the "big girls" We laugh and joke about it but this last week she got her chance. Carlin had completed her class and decided to visit the other studio. In that studio were three of the oldest/best dancers in the school, the advanced class. She was standing with her mouth open in awe ( I think she has a little girl crush on Hannah, the principal dancer) Miss Nadya looked at Carlin as the girls were doing Tondus on the barre and said "you want to practice with them?" and Carlins answer was a big head nod YES! I helped her get her shoes back on and off she went, to the barre, standing by Hannah. She was so focused and tried to do every move she could. She did not give up. Twenty minutes later she final said she was ready to go home. Miss Nadya and Miss Susan were proud of her fearless attitude and confidence that she would be able to keep up!(Click this link to see a short video)

Subscribe to Little Bun Head on YouTube to see more videos!

Throughout  this ballet adventure I have wondered if we did the right thing by putting her in a higher age group/level than her age. Wednesday we got our answer.  I had to take Carlin to an early class because of parent teacher night at her preschool later that evening. Her make up class would be with the girls that are her age. At the end of the class her teacher came out and said we are no longer allowed to bring her to that class because is way to advanced for the primary class. It was then that I took a breath and new that she is right where she needs to be!

I am sure this year will be full of fun adventures. I cant wait to watch my Little Bun Head grow!

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