Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Passion Beyond Her Years

Those of you who know My Little Bun Head know that she is a kind, caring child with an unquenchable thirst for learning. She LOVES learning and challenging herself. In fact, the other night, she became very angry with her dad because she was on page 4 of her weekly homework packet ( she brought it home that day) and my husband told her she had done enough for day. He asked her to put the pencil down and go outside and play. I know what your thinking....How dare he tell her to go play. Well that is what SHE was thinking. She was so angry with him.

My Little Bun head applies this same passion for learning to ballet. She thrives on being challenged, on focusing, on improving. We recently changed Ballet studios and had a placement class. At the end of her class the teacher said based on her skills she should be in a level 1 class but because of her age she would like her to be in the beginning ballet class. We agreed knowing that My Little Bun Head would do well and that it would probably take more than one placement class for the new school to see what the old school already new. So we made the switch in September. It has been a month and a half and I started to become concerned. I watched class after class where she was bored and not dancing to her full ability. Then My Little Bun Head said over lunch, "Mom, I really miss my old teachers." I asked her what she missed and she said. "I miss them because they push me". As I picked my chin up off the floor began to dig a little deeper. My gut feeling that she wasn't getting enough was confirmed.

Before we talk about what happened next lets take a look back. When, at the ripe age of 2, My Little Bun Head came to us and said she wanted to be a ballerina her dad and I agreed that we were going to follow her lead. If this is really what she wanted then we would support her if she decided she wanted to stop we would support her as well. So far this has worked very well for us. We listen closely, follow her cues and look out for her best interest.

So now we are back to the most recent events. I knew when my 4 year old came to me saying she was not being pushed I needed to have a conversation with her teacher. This is the part I dread. So many times I have heard "that parent" tell teachers how they should be teaching or what level their child should be at and I never want to be "that parent" but I do want to be involved and look out for the best interest of my child.
So last night I sat with her teacher and had a great conversation. I shared the conversation that I had had with My Little Bun Head. Her response....."I can tell you right now she is not being pushed in this class and it has been weighing heavy on me." As those words came out of her mouth she almost had a look of relief.  Probably the same look that I had as I was hearing her words.We spent the next 30 minutes coming up with different options to keep her challenged and engaged. I shared with her my fear of being "that mom" and she put me at ease with her response, " You don't sound like 'that mom' but you have 'that child'. She also warned me that I will probably be having these conversation about her abilities and what is best for her for a very long time. At some point, if she continues with ballet, we will be talking about what Summer Intensive program is best for her, what school is best for her and many other topics.

We have been so blessed to have such amazing teachers in My Little Bunheads life and that she continues to wow us with her abilities and passion for life and learning.